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Priorities for Climbing the Quartile Ladder

We break down the StewartBrown ACFPS September 2024 results to provide our followers with a clear set of priorities if you want to shift from your current quartile to a higher one.

Unpacking Accommodation and HELF charges webinar 13 Feb

Webinar: Unpacking Accommodation and Higher Everyday Living Fee (HELF) Charges

We’re hosting a webinar with ACCPA (soon to be Ageing Australia) on February 13: Unpacking Accommodation and Higher Everyday Living Fee (HELF) Charges

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The alignment between Higher Everyday Living Fees (HELF) and Strengthened Quality Standards 6 and 7

In this third and final insight, we focus on how the transition to HELF aligns with food, drink, dining experiences, and lifestyle activities under Standards 6 and 7.

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Strategic Issues in Home Care Reform

Now that the dust has settled on the home care reform announcements, it is an opportune time to sit back and ask ourselves what strategic issues are contained therein.

Pricing Strategies for the New 750k RAD threshold

Webinar: Pricing strategies for the new $750,000 RAD threshold – December 5

We’re hosting a webinar with Inside Ageing on December 5: Pricing strategies for the new $750,000 RAD threshold.

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RAD, DAP, Retention & Indexation - Navigating New Accommodation Rules

As the sector grapples with inconsistent methodologies for setting accommodation prices, we are seeing greater interest in understanding how to establish and maintain a reliable pricing methodology.

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Embracing Change – How to adapt rosters to meet care minute targets

We focus on the practicalities of implementing changes in your staffing mix and other changes to your rosters.

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Mission, Vision and Strategy in the context of a changing regulatory environment

With all this uncertainty, it’s easy to say “We cannot update our strategic plan until the future is clearer”.

14 Nov Pride Aged Living Strategy webinar

Webinar: New Strategy under the Aged Care Act – November 14

We’re hosting a webinar with Inside Ageing on November 14: New Strategy under the Aged Care Act.

Showing 9 of 30 insights

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